In this paper, we propose Stochastic Knowledge Distillation (SKD) to obtain compact BERT-style language model dubbed SKDBERT. In each iteration, SKD samples a teacher model from a pre-defined teacher ensemble, which consists of multiple teacher models with multi-level capacities, to transfer knowledge into student model in an one-to-one manner. Sampling distribution plays an important role in SKD. We heuristically present three types of sampling distributions to assign appropriate probabilities for multi-level teacher models. SKD has two advantages: 1) it can preserve the diversities of multi-level teacher models via stochastically sampling single teacher model in each iteration, and 2) it can also improve the efficacy of knowledge distillation via multi-level teacher models when large capacity gap exists between the teacher model and the student model. Experimental results on GLUE benchmark show that SKDBERT reduces the size of a BERT$_{\rm BASE}$ model by 40% while retaining 99.5% performances of language understanding and being 100% faster.
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at
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Roadheader是一款在地下工程和采矿行业中广泛使用的工程机器人。 Roadheader的交互式动力学模拟是无人发掘和虚拟现实训练中的一个基本问题。但是,当前的研究仅基于传统的动画技术或商业游戏引擎。很少有研究将计算机图形的实时物理模拟应用于Roadheader机器人领域。本文旨在介绍一个基于物理的式型型式机器人的模拟系统。为此,提出了基于广义坐标的改进的多体模拟方法。首先,我们的仿真方法描述了基于广义坐标的机器人动力学。与最新方法相比,我们的方法更稳定和准确。数值仿真结果表明,在相同数量的迭代中,我们的方法的错误明显少于游戏引擎。其次,我们对动态迭代采用符号欧盟积分器,而不是传统的四阶runge-kutta(RK4)方法。与其他集成剂相比,在长期模拟过程中,我们的方法在能量漂移方面更加稳定。测试结果表明,我们的系统达到了每秒60帧(FPS)的实时交互性能。此外,我们提出了一种模型格式,用于实施该系统的路障机器人建模。我们的Roadheader的交互式模拟系统满足了交互,准确性和稳定性的要求。
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检测到分布(OOD)样本对于在现实世界中的分类器的安全部署至关重要。但是,已知深层神经网络对异常数据过于自信。现有作品直接设计得分功能,通过挖掘分别分类器(ID)和OOD的不一致性。在本文中,我们基于以下假设,即对ID数据进行训练的自动编码器无法重建OOD和ID,我们进一步补充了这种不一致性。我们提出了一种新颖的方法,读取(重建误差聚合检测器),以统一分类器和自动编码器的不一致。具体而言,原始像素的重建误差转换为分类器的潜在空间。我们表明,转换后的重建误差桥接了语义差距,并从原始的传承了检测性能。此外,我们提出了一种调整策略,以根据OOD数据的细粒度表征来减轻自动编码器的过度自信问题。在两种情况下,我们分别提出了方法的两个变体,即仅基于预先训练的分类器和读取 - 读取器(欧几里得距离),即读取MD(Mahalanobis距离),该分类器重新训练分类器。我们的方法不需要访问测试时间数据以进行微调超参数。最后,我们通过与最先进的OOD检测算法进行了广泛的比较来证明所提出的方法的有效性。在CIFAR-10预先训练的WideresNet上,我们的方法将平均FPR@95TPR降低了9.8%,而不是先前的最新ART。
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本文回顾了关于压缩视频质量增强质量的第一个NTIRE挑战,重点是拟议的方法和结果。在此挑战中,采用了新的大型不同视频(LDV)数据集。挑战有三个曲目。Track 1和2的目标是增强HEVC在固定QP上压缩的视频,而Track 3旨在增强X265压缩的视频,以固定的位速率压缩。此外,轨道1和3的质量提高了提高保真度(PSNR)的目标,以及提高感知质量的2个目标。这三个曲目完全吸引了482个注册。在测试阶段,分别提交了12个团队,8支球队和11支球队,分别提交了轨道1、2和3的最终结果。拟议的方法和解决方案衡量视频质量增强的最先进。挑战的首页:
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This paper focuses on designing efficient models with low parameters and FLOPs for dense predictions. Even though CNN-based lightweight methods have achieved stunning results after years of research, trading-off model accuracy and constrained resources still need further improvements. This work rethinks the essential unity of efficient Inverted Residual Block in MobileNetv2 and effective Transformer in ViT, inductively abstracting a general concept of Meta-Mobile Block, and we argue that the specific instantiation is very important to model performance though sharing the same framework. Motivated by this phenomenon, we deduce a simple yet efficient modern \textbf{I}nverted \textbf{R}esidual \textbf{M}obile \textbf{B}lock (iRMB) for mobile applications, which absorbs CNN-like efficiency to model short-distance dependency and Transformer-like dynamic modeling capability to learn long-distance interactions. Furthermore, we design a ResNet-like 4-phase \textbf{E}fficient \textbf{MO}del (EMO) based only on a series of iRMBs for dense applications. Massive experiments on ImageNet-1K, COCO2017, and ADE20K benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our EMO over state-of-the-art methods, \eg, our EMO-1M/2M/5M achieve 71.5, 75.1, and 78.4 Top-1 that surpass \textbf{SoTA} CNN-/Transformer-based models, while trading-off the model accuracy and efficiency well.
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The development of social media user stance detection and bot detection methods rely heavily on large-scale and high-quality benchmarks. However, in addition to low annotation quality, existing benchmarks generally have incomplete user relationships, suppressing graph-based account detection research. To address these issues, we propose a Multi-Relational Graph-Based Twitter Account Detection Benchmark (MGTAB), the first standardized graph-based benchmark for account detection. To our knowledge, MGTAB was built based on the largest original data in the field, with over 1.55 million users and 130 million tweets. MGTAB contains 10,199 expert-annotated users and 7 types of relationships, ensuring high-quality annotation and diversified relations. In MGTAB, we extracted the 20 user property features with the greatest information gain and user tweet features as the user features. In addition, we performed a thorough evaluation of MGTAB and other public datasets. Our experiments found that graph-based approaches are generally more effective than feature-based approaches and perform better when introducing multiple relations. By analyzing experiment results, we identify effective approaches for account detection and provide potential future research directions in this field. Our benchmark and standardized evaluation procedures are freely available at:
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We aim to bridge the gap between our common-sense few-sample human learning and large-data machine learning. We derive a theory of human-like few-shot learning from von-Neuman-Landauer's principle. modelling human learning is difficult as how people learn varies from one to another. Under commonly accepted definitions, we prove that all human or animal few-shot learning, and major models including Free Energy Principle and Bayesian Program Learning that model such learning, approximate our theory, under Church-Turing thesis. We find that deep generative model like variational autoencoder (VAE) can be used to approximate our theory and perform significantly better than baseline models including deep neural networks, for image recognition, low resource language processing, and character recognition.
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